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About Tammy

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is a Jewish follower
of Jesus.

Tammy was born in New York City, and spent much of her later childhood in Iowa. Growing up, she embraced her Jewish heritage and became active in her local synagogue. At 13, she celebrated her Bat Mitzvah both in her home synagogue and also in the ancient synagogue ruins at the top of Masada. Tammy taught elementary students bible and Hebrew at her synagogue during high school, and continued her involvement as a university student. 


While in college, Tammy heard God's audible voice speak directly to her with words she had never heard before:  "Jesus is the Son of God. He is the Messiah." Although the words seemed to be contrary to everything she knew, the voice was unmistakable.  Tammy accepted Yeshua - Jesus - as the Messiah in that moment.
Since that day, Tammy has been sharing her compelling story, as well as teaching about the  Jewish roots of Christian faith to adults and children in a variety of settings.

Tammy earned a bachelor's degree in American Government from the University of Virginia, and a Master of Social Work degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She's had careers in investment banking, social work, and church ministry. Tammy currently resides in North Carolina with her husband, their children and two English bulldogs. 

What does that mean?

Just like the first followers of Jesus, Tammy continues to embrace her Jewish faith, following Jesus as the promised Messiah. 

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